Individual Tax Preparation
Certified Public Accountants in Metairie, Kenner, New Orleans, Louisiana. QuickBooks authorized training experts. Tax preparation, payroll processing. As CPAs and business consultants, our team of professionals consists of critical thinkers and problem solvers – not just pencil pushers. We get to know our clients and what their businesses, taxes, and finances are about. Preliminary visits are free.
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Individual Tax Preparation

Individual Tax Preparation

Preparing your taxes has been viewed as a seemingly impossible task to tackle by yourself.  Nowadays, however, we see advertisements all over the internet, TV and radio insisting that these tasks are suddenly easy enough for you to do yourself.

With tax laws constantly changing and getting more complex, how does it seem logical that you can do it yourself?  The answer is that most people actually can’t.  The reason why is because you absolutely must have knowledge of the complex tax rules to do it, not just be able to enter numbers into a program that mechanically makes computations.  This is why most people who try end up missing out on valuable tax deductions or making mistakes.

At Gary Radelat CPA, LLC we will explore and dig for all possible deductions, give you tax saving ideas and train you to keep track of what’s important for helping you to save taxes.  Our experience and knowledge will result in a professionally prepared return that will leave you with undoubted confidence that your return was done correctly and that you paid the lowest possible tax.